Tanner Sharp- Mr. Scales 

My name is Tanner Sharp and I am the assistant manager of the Willis Music location in Eastgate. My hobbies consist of playing guitar and spending as much time with my friends and family as possible. I try to live my life as stress free as I can, and music assists me in achieving that. It is my pleasure to make sure that I can give you everything you need to advance your musical interests, and I will complete that task to the best of my ability to make sure you leave our store gratified.
Passion is an emotional state of mind that gives someone excitement towards completing a task and is often associated with a job or hobby. It’s what drives individuals to reach their potential through an incentive that peaks their interests. Music is my passion, and guiding others down this path is my incentive. Being an experienced guitar player and Willis Music employee has helped me understand that music is an essential that goes hand in hand with our lifestyles.

Tanner playing guitar
Tanner with family
Tanner and Friends